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Brave Frontier

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  • Evolution Tables - I couldn't find anything like this so Berserk made it myself.
  • Unit Comparison - Organisation of 5* and 4* units observe Lord stats and overall stats comparison.



Level Energy Arena
89 86 Dragoon
Unit Stars Type Element BB Type Order BBLvl HP ATK DEF REC Passer-by Tier Acquired
Flames God Lava 5/5 Psyche Fire AE Dmg 80 7 5268 1378 1330 1110 Muramasa Main Rare
Malnaplis 5/5 Breaker Water AE Dmg 80 7 4900 1250 1393 927 Muramasa Main Uncommon
Mother Earth Edea 5/5 Anima Earth Single Dmg & Debuff 80 7 5594 1818 1656 1255 Beast Blade Basic Rare
Rameldria 5/5 Breaker Light Random Dmg 80 7 4424 1917 997 850 Beast Blade Main Sporadic
Death Magress 5/6 Lord Dark AE Dmg 80 5 4875 1198 1400 755 Muramasa Main Honor
Ablaze King Vargas 4/6 Noble Fire AE Dmg 60 1 3201 1113 989 845 None Bench Vortex
Beast Zegar 2/5 Anima Fire Unmarried Dmg & Debuff 1 1 1450 550 280 210 None Bench Honor
Firedrake 3/4 Lord Fire AE Dmg 10 1 2355 536 773 345 None Bench Exceptional
Dragon Graven 4/4 Lord Fire AE Dmg 1 1 2768 594 856 419 Fuck all Bench Rare
Tough Galant 3/4 Breaker Fire AE Dmg & Debuff 17 1 1980 925 863 438 No one Bench Vortex
Work hard Queen Selena 4/6 Anima Water AE Dmg 60 1 3477 1170 901 1066 None Brass Vortex
Zephu 2/5 Breaker Water Single Dmg & Debuff 1 1 1500 530 300 110 None Bench Promotion
Knight Sergio 3/5 Breaker Water Single Dmg & Debuff 16 1 2559 743 657 691 None Bench Rare
Snow Blade Stya 3/4 Breaker Water Single Dmg & Buff 1 1 1469 729 415 842 None Spread Vortex
Holy Earth Discern 6/6 Oracle Earth AE Dmg 94 2 5101 1874 1818 1357 Sacred Jewel Benefit Vortex
Marksman Lario 3/5 Breaker Earth AE Dmg 40 1 3515 943 728 1063 None Bench Joy
Hawkeye Lario 4/5 Lord Earth AE Dmg 60 4 4461 1011 943 1587 Mech Sword Backup Rare
God Tree Eltri 5/5 Oracle Earth Heal & Cure 80 7 4889 1221 1734 1240 Burny's Soul Stone Backup Rare
Gun God Douglas 5/5 Breaker Earth Random Dmg 80 5 5090 1386 1283 817 Beast Blade Backup Rare
Boxer Nemia 2/4 Breaker Earth Single Dmg & Debuff 26 1 2340 871 344 357 None Bench Vortex
Thunder God Eze 5/6 Lord Thunder AE Dmg 80 5 4233 1679 1006 770 Beast Blade Backup Starter
Dancer May 2/3 Anima Thunder Heal 30 1 2296 743 648 618 Fuck all Bench Honor
Thunderbird 3/4 Anima Thunder Inconstant Dmg 1 1 1830 550 550 500 None Bench Rare
Sky King Falma 4/5 Lord Thunder Single Dmg & Debuff 22 1 3258 979 809 831 None Brass Rare
Alpha Behemoth 5/5 Lord Thunder AE Dmg 41 6 4257 1001 1307 755 None Bench Sporadic
Zeln 2/4 Potentate Thunder AE Dmg & Debuff 8 1 1610 630 328 323 None Bench Vortex
Knight Atro 3/6 Sovereign Light AE Dmg 1 1 1397 630 630 630 None Bench Vortex
God Atro 5/6 Anima Light AE Dmg 18 21 2815 1036 1036 994 None Bench Honor
Luna 2/5 Anima Light AE Dmg 1 1 980 570 570 180 No-one Bench Honor
Backer Maria 3/3 Anima Light Heal 40 7 2830 878 819 949 Royal Shield Championship Quest
Bahamut 4/5 Lord Light Random Dmg 23 2 2874 1089 763 522 None Bench Rare
Traveler Alma 2/4 Personality Light AE Dmg 1 1 1150 480 450 470 None Bench Vortex
Mifune 2/5 Lord Dark AE Dmg 1 1 Thou 650 210 250 None Bench Laurels
Executioner Shida 5/5 Breaker Dark AE Dmg 61 2 4114 1592 822 1471 No one Backup Rare
Gangster Oboro 3/4 Anima Dark AE Dmg & Debuff 11 1 2104 728 627 686 Nobody Bench Vortex
Lemia 3/5 Guardian Dark AE Dmg & Debuff 14 2 2366 653 703 759 None Bench Rare
Maiden Lico 3/5 Breaker Dark Sui generis incomparabl Dmg 14 1 2516 1006 690 762 None Bench Vortex
Rage Beast Zegar 3/4 Guardian Fire Single Dmg & Debuff 1 1 2088 743 353 284 None Trailing Rare

Updated 04/29/2014


Muffled Energy Arena
 ?  ?  ?
Unit Stars Type Element Level BBLvl HP ATK DEF REC Sphere Tier
Queen Lidith 4/4 Anima Earth 46  ? 3672 1278 784 1234 Beast Blade Back-up
Fire Knight Lava 4/5 Breaker Fire 54  ? 3802 1445 1021 1052 Pet Blade Main
Bahamut 4/5 Anima Light 51  ? 3933 1444 900 566 Pet Blade Main
Fire Mammal Zegar 4/4 Oracle Fire 56  ? 3490 1405 745 773 Beast Blade Main
Strategist Weiss 3/4 Augur Thunder 27  ? 2997 709 618 1302 None Bench
World Tree Altro 4/5 Lord Earth 53  ? 4501 936 1461 786 Flesh Armor Main
Fire King Vargas 4/5 Anima Fire 22  ? 2701 974 858 701 Mech Sword Bench
God Spar Mifune 4/4 Lord Dark 14  ? 2342 1173 544 610 Mech Sword Bench
Roaring King Eze 4/5 Surge Thunder 54  ? 3376 1564 708 546 Beast Blade Persist in
Vampire 3/4 Sibyl Dark 11  ? 2097 581 606 638 None Bench
Zephu 2/4 Anima Water 17  ? 2277 676 366 124 None Bench
Counsellor Weiss 2/4 Anima Thunder 1  ? 1450 410 350 570 None Bench

Updated 02/18/2014

Fire King Vargas is currently a- bench unit, but since he assessment a unit that can go respecting 5 stars, I will probably go on to level him. I was overpowering to get him from an show partiality towards summon at 2 stars and accept gotten him to this point deadpan far. He'll need to wait up in the air I get my other mains uphold 5 star and to a honourable level, so it will be trim while...

Samurai Mifune finally made branch out to God Blade Mifune as elect the date of this update. Inaccuracy could probably work his way arrival to being a back-up unit orangutan well. I really like units communicate high attack and he fits ramble bill.


Level Energy Arena
88 85 Champion
UnitStarsMax StarsTypeElementLevelBBLvlHPATKDEFRECComparisonGoal
Be redolent of King Vargas46BreakerFire471293511418477983677Reach 6* evolution
Creature Zegar25BreakerFire1114505502802101704
Fire Beast Zegar45LordFire601400812457586774310
Thief Leon24AnimaFire6114114904903901715Level up for Zel runs
Dragon Graven44BreakerFire6034220103711127654263
Fire Knight Agni45OracleFire6010389912609378024375
God Arm Galant44AnimaFire5513573121212926034242
Ice Goddess Selena56GuardianWater801038151186128514614493Reach 6* evolution
Dragoon Zephu45GuardianWater432376010428215043872
Pirate Verica24GuardianWater6115425374302171792
Ice Ruler Sergio45AnimaWater6054555109610649534538
Commander Mega55OracleWater6213427142699718564623Level up to max
Hoarfrost Queen Stya44BreakerWater1119179056209202748
Earth Pike Lance46OracleEarth5012604112711086763571Reach 6* evolution
Marksman Lario35AnimaEarth31134467887209593385
Wild Thug Zaza44AnimaEarth1120408568093442696
High Elf44AnimaEarth6010441989112839334246
Princess Lidith35BreakerEarth1118507004507502305
Queen Lidith45AnimaEarth6014026117984513024380
God Kind Eltri55GuardianEarth807505195117349884843
Boxer Nemia24OracleEarth1313205802902501696
Gaia Fist Nemia44GuardianEarth603387511548867044164
Thunder God Eze56LordThunder8034233146010067704863Reach 6* evolution
Physician Weiss25AnimaThunder11014504103505701594
Commander Weiss45GuardianThunder361378577381815543690
King Sparky22OracleThunder1112003903302501367
Ambition Boss Grafl34BreakerThunder1116837266311712217
Sky Boss Grafl34LordThunder1316837266311712217
Sky King Falma45AnimaThunder1628358596936863120
Alpha Behemoth55BreakerThunder6914855124513118424988Level up be selected for max
Goddess Emilia55GuardianThunder80747071199146013044997
Spark Kick Zeln34AnimaThunder12124998544514192795
Spark Kick Zeln34OracleThunder1120807663783782416
Bolt Knight Amy45BreakerThunder60146681350128611405101Reach 5* evolution
Holy Knight Atro46OracleLight60125591104110412383625Reach 6* replacement
Traveler Alma24GuardianLight1111504804504701569
Hero Alma44GuardianLight6013477961113812183879
Hero Alma44BreakerLight6013477120590012184150
Death Magress56LordDark8014875119814007554946Reach 6* evolution
Hell King Hades45AnimaDark601420413259175774572Reach 5* evolution
Ninja Oboro24BreakerDark1111805004304501602

Units with Bold names are swapped into my squad as needed accessory on what I'm doing.

All stats are without an equipped sphere.

Updated 04/13/2014


Level Energy Arena
108 99 Juggernaut
Unit Stars Type Element BB Breed Level BBLvl HP ATK DEF REC Sphere
Fire God Solon 5/6 Anima Fire AE Dmg 80 1 4493 1364 1260 921 None
Master Lorand 5/5 Anima Fire Understand Dmg & Injury/Weaken 80 4 5574 1800 1140 1187 Muramasa
Head Chef Lancia 5/5 Oracle Fire AE Heal & Att Boost 45 5 4122 919 1294 1682 Flesh Armor*
Textbook Thief Leon 4/4 Swell FireST Dmg & Poison 47 2 3295 1186 900 1124 Mech Sword
Lava Phoenix 4/5 Guardian Fire AE HoT 20 1 3507 725 1208 585 Flesh Armor*
Knight Agni 3/5 Breaker Fire ST Dmg & Injury 12 3 2686 811 572 389 None
Blacksmith Gallant 2/4 Anima Fire ST Dmg Weaken 8 2 1454 665 665 279 Mech Brand
Ice Goddess Selena 5/6 Breaker Water AE Dmg 80 2 3815 1735 978 1461 Beast Blade
Commander Mega 5/5 Anima Water AE Dmg 46 5 3967 1547 939 1535 Beast Blade
Stya 2/4 Anima Water AE Dmg 30 2 2152 810 462 878 None
Zephu 2/5 Breaker Water ST Dmg & Weaken 10 1 1872 632 319 137 None
Malnaplis 5/5 Oracle Water AE Dmg 6 2 3318 841 1175 693 None
Nature God Javelin 5/6 Anima Earth AE Dmg 80 4 4479 1373 1378 652 None
God Insinuate Eltri 5/5 Oracle Earth AE Heal & Cure 80 8 5096 1276 1813 1321 Consecrated Jewel
Pixy Royal Leore 4/5 Lord Earth AE Dmg & Weaken 59 1 4097 1191 918 1075 None
Cannonry King Douglas 4/5 Ideal Earth Random Dmg 30 2 3512 704 1121 537 None
Earthly Il & Mina 4/5 Lord Earth AE Dmg 24 1 3401 1077 1051 1135 None
Edea 3/5 Breaker Earth ST Dmg & Poison/Sick 24 1 2984 1012 906 805 None
Princess Lidith 3/5 Anima Earth ST Dmg & HC 18 1 2522 831 540 879 None
Hawkeye Lario 4/5 Breaker Earth AE Dmg 5 1 2985 800 724 995 None
Fighter Nemia 2/4 Guardian Earth AE Dmg & Injury 1 1 1320 580 290 250 No person
Thunder God Eze 5/6 Breaker Thunder AE Dmg 80 5 4233 1603 847 770 Muramasa
Zeus Bow Loch 5/5 Anima Thunder AE Dmg 80 8 5820 1525 1470 1398 Muramasa
Bolt Mallet Elulu 5/5 Breaker Thunder AE Dmg & Injury 80 5 4051 1752 802 1960 Muramasa
High Dancer May 2/3 Guardian Thunder AE Heal 19 1 1839 623 613 609 Mech Sword
Princess Emilia 4/5 Anima Thunder ST Dmg & Paralysis 14 1 2956 906 858 825 None
Sky Of assistance Flama 4/5 Anima Thunder ST Dmg & Paralysis 14 2 3188 1026 765 746 Otherworldly Blade
Advisor Weiss 2/5 Anima Thunder AE Att Congratulate 4 1 1618 422 362 606 None
Zeln 2/4 Oracle Thunder AE Dmg & Injury 1 1 1360 560 300 280 None
Goddess Atro 5/6 Lord Light AE Dmg 80 1 3730 1325 1325 1325 None
Holy Grandmaster Aem 5/5 Breaker Light AE Dmg 80 7 5942 1696 995 1166 Muramasa
Dagger Queen Sefia 5/5 Potentate Light AE Dmg & Paralysis 66 2 4846 1963 1532 925 Beast Blade
God Knight Choice 5/5 Breaker Light AE Dmg 42 5 4377 1352 1110 726 Beast Blade
Backer Maria 3/3 Anima Light AE Heal 37 6 2745 854 795 936 None
Ethereal Queen Luna 4/5 Surf Light AE Dmg 8 1 2089 989 963 473 None
Traveler Alma 2/4 Ruler Light AE Dmg 4 1 1259 502 470 494 None
Unholy Magress 6/6 Monarch Dark AE Dmg 75 9 6307 1588 1792 1022 Sacred Sparkler
Goth Idol Kukuri 5/5 Anima Dark AE Dmg & Curse 80 4 6474 1756 1619 1522 Burny's Soul Stone
Goth Idol Kukuri 5/5 Lord Dark AE Dmg & Affliction 80 5 5277 1836 1472 1536 Beast Blade
Death Divinity Lodaga 5/5 Guardian Dark ST Dmg 42 5 3706 1260 1033 711 Magical Axe
Necromancer Lemia 4/5 Wave cloud Dark AE Dmg & Poison 39 1 3489 1030 880 1196 None
Heavy Magress 3/6 Lord Dark AE Dmg 25 1 2853 716 863 335 None
Garroter Shida 4/5 Breaker Dark AE Dmg 21 1 2719 1082 629 1069 None
Assassin Oboro 3/4 Anima Dark AE Dmg & Curse 9 1 2045 713 613 678 None
Samurai Mifune 3/5 Breaker Dark AE Dmg 9 1 1629 968 311 409 None
Buttface Saint 5/5 Anima Dark AE Dmg & Curse 80 10 7000 2500 2500 2500 Magical Asshat

Updated 04/13/2014


Level Liveliness Arena
80 77 Sage
Unit Stars Type Element Plane BBLvl HP ATK DEF REC Earth Tier
God Phoenix 5/6 Guardian Fire 80 8 4995 963 1666 951 Thief Tonic Main
Fire Knight Agni 4/5 Guardian Fire 43 2 3980 1250 938 616 Divine Blade Bench
Dragoon Zephu 4/5 Lord Water 48 3 3871 1321 751 519 Mammal Blade Bench
Goddess Emilia 5/5 Breaker Thunder 80 4 4707 1722 1150 1304 Animal Blade Main
Thunder Genius Eze 5/6 Anima Thunder 80 5 4826 1679 1006 597 Beast Blade Main
Thunderbird 3/4 Lord Thunder 22 3 2494 638 642 634 Backing Axe Bench
Rameldria 5/5 Breaker Light 77 1 4368 1900 988 840 Beast Sword Backup
God Blade Mifune 4/5 Lord Dark 60 4 2993 1472 659 728 Pet Blade Bench
Fire Maker Vargas 5/6 Lord Fire 80 4 4504 1568 1414 1244 Sacred Jewel Main
Prod Beast Zegar 3/5 Soothsayer Fire 21 4 2545 881 497 454 Mech Sword Bench
Assassin Oboro 2/4 Augur Dark 8 2 1908 705 607 702 Cure Bracer Bench
Bruiser Galant 3/4 Psyche Fire 13 1 2065 911 911 406 Mech Sword Bench
Thunder God Eze 5/6 Guardian Thunder 80 1 4233 14841 1165 770 Beast Blade Benefit
Advisor Weiss 2/5 Oracle Light 5 1 1607 426 366 635 n/a Bench
Sunshine Luna 3/5 Tide Thunder 6 1 1521 815 797 276 Royal Shield Bench
Adventurer Alma 3/4 Monarch Light 25 1 2371 797 745 829 Star Blade Bench
Mifune 2/5 Guardian Dark 12 2 1322 771 269 306 Demon Robe Bench
Demiurge Blade Mifune 4/5 Mask Dark 3 2 2049 1078 489 546 Famous Blade Bench
Advisor Weiss 3/5 Sibyl Thunder 12 4 1976 456 396 728 Giant Stone Bench
Boxer Nemia 2/4 Protector Earth 17 4 1973 707 388 318 Famous Blade Bench
Cowboy Heidt 3/5 Innermost self Light 13 1 2442 821 726 370 Famous Blade Bench
Gemini Il & Nina 5/5 Lord Earth 80 7 5171 1674 1687 1896 Burny's Soul Comrade Main
Genius Elimo 5/5 Breaker Water 27 4 3593 869 1069 1526 Skill Restorative Backup
Goth Idol Kikuri 5/5 Lord Dark 80 9 5277 1836 1472 1536 1 Blade Main
Hawkeye Lario 4/5 Oracle Earth 16 2 3125 948 766 1127 Savage Blade Bench
Head Burglar Leon 3/4 Anima Fire 13 1 2185 674 674 653 Famous Blade Bench
Zephu 2/5 Lord Water 21 2 2559 712 420 170 Pomace Armor Bench

Updated 04/17/2014


Level Energy Arena
58  ?? Commander
Part Stars Type Constituent Level BBLvl HP ATK DEF REC Sphere Tier
Eagerness Knight Agni 4/4 Billow Fire 28 2 3840 1198 768 580  ??  ??
God Phoenix 5/5 Anima Fire 42 5 4497 985 1327 747  ??  ??
Professor Lorand 4/5 Cassandra Fire 59 1 3683 1761 966 1225  ??  ??
God Arm Galant 4/4 Anima Fire 42 8 3192 1265 1212 583  ??  ??
Siren 4/4 Crest Water 52 2 4013 966 1112 732  ??  ??
Ice Queen Selena 4/5 Guardian Water 37 1 2615 963 878 1018  ??  ??
Leviathan 3/5 Mind Water 1 1 2100 540 810 380  ??  ??
Knight Zephu 3/4 Lord Water 26 1 2977 958 558 332  ??  ??
Knight Zephu 3/4 Monarch Water 26 1 2977 958 558 332  ??  ??
Queen Lidith 4/4 Guardian Earth 18 1 2810 943 693 1130  ??  ??
Vine Pike Lance 3/5 Lord Earth 11 1 1696 718 708 282  ??  ??
Dryad 3/4 Anima Earth 1 1 2100 480 750 500  ??  ??
Gaia Fist Nemia 4/4 Breaker Earth 15 1 2926 1081 580 562  ??  ??
Gun Deity Douglas 5/5 Lord Earth 1 1 3381 779 1052 574  ??  ??
Zeln 2/4 Oracle Thunder 16 1 1908 710 362 381  ??  ??
Thunderbird 3/4 Guardian Thunder 5 1 1956 557 578 525  ??  ??
Thunder King Eze 4/5 Guardian Thunder 52 1 3332 1141 911 540  ??  ??
Sky Exponent Athena 4/4 Oracle Light 60 2 2928 1262 1275 901  ??  ??
Sunshine Luna 4/4 Anima Light 15 1 1888 866 866 311  ??  ??
Desolate Shot Heidt 4/4 Defender Light 12 1 2850 947 884 509  ??  ??
Rameldria 5/5 Anima Dark 28 1 3667 1251 922 638  ??  ??
Demiurge Blade Mifune 4/4 Peer Dark 27 2 2690 1218 613 622  ??  ??
Lich 4/4 Guardian Dark 14 1 2822 683 766 802  ??  ??

Updated 03/04/2014