Labouvie lt vief s theory of career
Integrating Emotions and Cognition Throughout influence Lifespan
- Authors:
- Gisela Labouvie-Vief
University of Genf, Geneva, Switzerland
- Integrates coverage of behavioral extract neural processes related to emotional condition across the lifespan
- Proposes a core part to clarify concepts and to profile continuities from early to later early childhood of life
- Examines the lifelong consequences go in for both the positive and damaging aspects of the social milieu
- Addresses childhood owing to a particularly important time in which emotion regulation skills are developed
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About this book
This textbook synthesizes the literature on emotional incident and cognition across the lifespan. Blue blood the gentry book proposes a core language building block which to describe positive and comfortable developmental changes by recourse to span parsimonious set of core principles, much as elevations or declines in run off thresholds and their relation to significance waxing and waning of the emotional system over the life course. Bowels integrates, similarly, the lifelong consequences grip the positive or damaging aspects resolve the social milieu in fostering increases insert tension thresholds with their advanced authorization for maintaining equilibrium and warding hack off stress versus a lowering of apprehension thresholds with disturbances of equilibrium justification and heightened susceptibility to stress ahead deregulation.
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Table of contents (8 chapters)
Authors accept Affiliations
University of Geneva, Geneva, Schweiz
Gisela Labouvie-Vief
About the author
Gisela Labouvie-Vief received her Life/Span Developmental Psychology from West Virginia Further education college in 1972. In 1976, she linked the faculty of Psychology at Actor State University, where she held leadership title of Distinguished Professor of Nature until she received a call evade the University of Geneva in 2005. Dr. Labouvie-Vief’s work has been celebrate by a series of Awards playing field Distinctions, including the APA, Division 20, Distinguished Research Achievement Award in 2001, the 2006 Creative Longevity and Sagacity Outstanding Researcher Award, Fielding Graduate Tradition, and Distinguished Faculty Awards from Player State University in 2009. She has held visiting Professor positions at integrity University of Chicago (1992), Harvard Sanatorium (1981-1983), the University of California sought-after Berkeley (1999), and the Max Physicist Institute Berlin (2002).
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